Talent Show

Do you play an instrument, sing or dance? Do you like to perform magic? Do you want to demonstrate your martial arts prowess? Then why not enter this year’s talent show?

ALL acts will be accepted, provided they meet the following conditions:

  1. The act is two minutes in length or less;
  2. The act is appropriate for all age levels (i.e., Rated G);
  3. The audition form is submitted by the deadline, April 11th, and video/music is submitted by April 25th

Students may participate in one act only, either as an individual or as a group. Go to the Mantua PTA website – click on the link for the 2025 Talent show to enter. Here are the important dates and times you need to know:

2025 Talent Show Audition Form

Here are the important dates and times you need to know:

What? When? Where?
Audition form Due Friday, April 11h https://www.memberplanet.com/mantuaelementaryschoolpta/2025talentshow
Act audition video and MP3 music Due Friday, April 25th Instructions will be sent out after registration form is submitted
Dress Rehearsal Friday, May 2nd, 4:00-8 PM (approximate end time) Mantua Gym
Mantua Talent Show Saturday, May 3rd, 5:00-9 PM (approximate end time) Mantua Gym

Good luck preparing your acts! Sincerely, Claire Shields, Director talentshow@mantuapta.org

If you have a child who will be performing, at least one parent must sign up for a volunteer activity. Instructions for volunteer sign up will be sent with confirmation. We need lots of volunteers to make this event a success!